Barry Parish Church

15th June 2023

Lifewords: Connecting People With The Bible



"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path."
Psalm 119:105


In April we shared with you about how Life Changing Words, our email Bible verse email and app, has been connecting a growing worldwide network of subscribers reading and sharing the Bible every day for 20 years. We asked for your help in feeding the spiritual hunger of those turning to technology to engage with the Bible.

To those of you who were able to give - THANK YOU! To those who haven't yet but would still like to, and those who would like to pray for our work harnessing new ways of sharing the Bible for the next 20 years, read on!


Digital Bible resources - unstoppable by borders or war zones

LCW was just the start of our digital journey into new ways of sharing the Bible. Today, we offer lots of ways – our printed resources and programmes sitting alongside digital projects and animations. We currently have 44 animated versions of our printed resources in 22 languages on Facebook, with Ukrainian being the most popular language.

"While our printed resources in Ukrainian are reaching war refugees in several countries, the digital materials are bringing hope to those who have stayed in Ukraine." Said Jarek Jankowski, Lifewords Bible Resources Director.



"The virtual products – unstoppable by borders or war zones – have turned out to be a great tool for this difficult time.”

Jarek Jankowski


Ninefold Path - not just a Bible study

Another innovative way we are helping people connect with and live the message of Jesus is through The Ninefold Path, an immersive nine-week journey through the beatitudes for churches and individuals. The Ninefold Path resource invites us to explore how the way of Jesus framed in the Sermon on the Mount can revolutionise our lives, our communities and our world. It is an invitation to explore and reflect on the words of Jesus – and then put them into practice.



“It’s not a Bible study, it’s applied theology, it’s practice, it’s useful, it’s a way of life!” 

Jamie Sweet




With your partnership, we can share the Bible in multiple cultures and contexts, in print, in person, and online.




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