Barry Parish Church

2nd June 2021

1 Peter: Week 5 (Wednesday 2nd June 2021)



Chapter 2:4-12


The Heart Of The Matter

Peter’s first letter addresses issues that are as relevant as those in today’s newspaper. Peter’s words speak to those who have been homeless, those who are going through times of undeserved suffering, those who are being tempted to “chuck it all” and return to a lifestyle of unrestrained sinfulness, and those who need to realize they’re not alone. What relevance! This message provides a series of pen portraits — pictures of believers through the ages who endured whatever the world or the Adversary threw at them. Each portrait speaks of another dimension of the Christian life.


Discovering The Way

1. A Reminder of God’s Appraisal of Us

Both the Old and New Testaments reveal encouraging things about our relationship with God, about His paternal care and concern for us as His children.

2. Some Specific Titles God Gives to Us (1 Peter 2:4 – 12)

Peter used six titles that reflect God’s affirming evaluation of us: we are living stones in a spiritual house, priests in the same temple, a chosen race, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, and God’s people who have received mercy.


Starting Your Journey

How can we respond to the Lord in light of how He sees us? We can live a clean life, leave no room for slander, do good deeds among unbelievers, and never forget that we are being watched.

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