Barry Parish Church

29th September 2021

2 Peter: Week 1 (Wednesday 29th September 2021



Introductory Overview


The Heart Of The Matter

Sequels are usually inferior to the originals. This is true of movies — Rocky was a blockbuster, but Rocky II, Rocky III . . . Rocky VI (or however many there are) didn’t do as well. It’s also true of books. In the original, the first edition, the initial idea is fresh and new. What follows is simply a rehash with a twist. It’s interesting, however, that the pattern of inferiority for sequels isn’t true of books in the Bible. 2 Samuel isn’t a less exciting or less truthful book than 1 Samuel. And 2 Corinthians isn’t less insightful or less pointed than 1 Corinthians. Nor is 2 Timothy less important to the church than 1 Timothy. Most of us may be more familiar with the first book than we are the second, but second volumes have a world of spiritual wealth and deserve as much attention as their older siblings. This is true of 2 Peter.

Discovering the Way

1. A Few Introductory Comments

Second Peter differs from 1 Peter in four significant ways.

2. Three Themes Woven Through the Letter

Like an arrow, which is made up of feathers, a shaft, and a point, 2 Peter is made up of three themes.

Starting Your Journey

Second Peter points us toward HOPE: Heed what you already know; Open your eyes and ears; Pursue a godly lifestyle; and Expect Christ’s return.

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