Barry Parish Church

21st July 2021

1 Peter: Week 11 (Wednesday 21st July 2021)



Chapter 4:1-6


The Heart Of The Matter

Throughout the New Testament, we read of the changed life that follows genuine conversion. When the sins of our lives before Christ are freely and fully forgiven, when the righteousness of Christ is credited to our account, when the Spirit of God takes up residence within our hearts, when old things pass away and all things become new, a transformation begins! This radical series of changes results in a new direction, an alteration of our habits and pursuits as well as our choice of close friends. Interestingly, as far back as the first century, Peter wrote of all these things. Though we are separated by more than nineteen centuries, there isn’t a Christian today who cannot identify with the apostle’s words. They still speak with incredible relevance . . . especially his comments regarding the reactions of those who do not know the Lord. Let’s look closely at these six verses and discover what causes unbelievers to be so surprised (and angry) at us.


Discovering The Way

1. Provision: Dynamic Power of Christ’s Death (1 Peter 4:1)

Since Christ suffered on our behalf, we need to arm ourselves for spiritual conflict and get ready to suffer as He did.

2. Transformation: Remarkable Difference in the Christian Life (1 Peter 4:1– 3)

Our new life in Christ liberates us from the sinful lusts of our former lives.

3. Reaction:AngryAstonishmentfrom the Unsaved World (1Peter 4:4 –5)

Prepare yourself for negative reactions from the world as you seek to live faithfully

for Christ.

4. Summation: Gospel Preached to the Physically Dead (1 Peter 4:6)

Many Christians throughout history have faced the ultimate act of hate —martyrdom: judged as men in the flesh but alive with God for all eternity.


Starting Your Journey

With persecution at the hands of the world to be expected, Christians should continue living for Christ, expect to be misunderstood, and keep their eyes fixed on Christ.

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