Barry Parish Church

14th April 2022

Bible Society: Lent Encounter Day 44


Dear Friend,


Welcome to day 44 of The Lent Encounter. Today’s theme is Peter denying that he knows Jesus.


Start your day with a short video <>  from Andrew Ollerton as he takes us to the house of Caiaphas and shows us the courtyard where Peter denied ever knowing Jesus.


Ask friends or family if they have ever denied doing something they had actually done and consider how you talk about your faith with people who don’t share it.


Get started <


I hope that day 44 of The Lent Encounter is full of assurance.


God bless,


Abbie Doyle

Campaigns Team


PS: Please help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. The Bible Society team out there are working hard to provide Bibles and humanitarian aid. You can help today by texting LENT to 70500 to give £5.

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