Barry Parish Church

10th June 2023

Prayer Diary June 11 - 17


Here are topics to help you pray for the world of sport this week.

If you would like a printable version of these prayers please click here to download.


Sunday, 11th June
Elite Netball
As the Netball Super League final is played today, pray for Christian elite netballers we support. As some prepare faor the World Cup, or face uncertainty over contracts for next season, pray they’d know their secure identity in Christ and that their worth is not determined by their performance.
Monday, 12th June
Prayer Gathering
Praise God for the opportunity for sportspeople to meet next Monday 19th June to pray for the world of sport together. Pray that the gatherings would encourage Christian sportspeople as they seek to live and speak for Christ in their world of sport.
Tuesday, 13th June
Staff Day
Pray as Christians in Sport staff meet together as a whole staff team today. Pray it would be an encouraging time together reflecting on the last term and looking forward to the summer.
Wednesday, 14th June
London Network mixed netball tournament
Pray for the mixed netball tournament run by the London network today. Pray that Christian sportspeople would be bold in inviting their friends to come to the tournament and hear the good news of Jesus shared at the event.
Thursday, 15th June
Sports Plus
Pray ahead of the seven Sports Plus weeks planned for this summer. Pray that the teaching programme in Luke in the Evening Meetings and Colossians in the Morning Meetings would be faithful, understood and applied by every young person.
Friday, 16th June
Elite Cricket
As the Ashes begin today, pray for the small number of professional cricketers we know and support. Pray that God would raise up more Christians in the world of professional cricket and that we might be able to support them.
Saturday, 17th June
England and Wales network leaders gathering
As local network leaders from across England and Wales gather in Northampton today, pray for an encouraging day as they spend time reading the Bible together, reflecting on the past year and planning ahead for next year.

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