Barry Parish Church

13th December 2022

The Injustice Advent Calendar Day 13


24 days to change the world


Day 13


Resting is radical


Self-care, that’s what we’re talking about. As the great feminist poet and activist Audre Lorde famously wrote, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”


Despite what the multi-billion-pound wellness industry would have you believe, self-care isn’t about bubble baths, scented candles or expensive spa retreats (as lovely as all those things are). Rather, it is about protecting and preserving your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.


Self-care is about making time to do things that spark joy in your life - then ring-fencing that time and protecting it fiercely. It’s about placing power back into your own hands.


Self-care in the feminist sense is about creating and maintaining a healthy sense of self, and then extending this love and respect to others in genuine solidarity.


Your action today is to make a list of the ways you'll incorporate self-care into your life more regularly. This could be:


*    Signing up for that art class you'll always wanted to do

*    Taking time to go for a walk every day

*    Saying 'no' to a social event you don't want to go to


Whatever it is, you'll feel better for it.





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Remember, standing against injustice can be complicated. Some actions might not relate to causes you believe in and others might not be possible for very practical reasons. You are welcome to skip today and come back again tomorrow!










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